An idea is sparked by the edge of the unknown. What's known is known and known. What about the remaining 99.99% of truth and knowledge? This is where we begin.
An idea is sparked by the edge of the unknown. What's known is known and known. What about the remaining 99.99% of truth and knowledge? This is where we begin.
Pen and paper are essential in communication. I believe written language will out live us all. However, when it comes to ideas and sharing knowledge and ideas sometimes words fall short of the desired impact and outreach. Using different modalities (web, video, photos, text) to share an idea is as important, if not MORE important, than the idea itself. Imagine a brilliant idea...go on, I'll wait. Now take that idea and share it across all forms of communication. How amazing is that, right? Now take a bad idea. No need to wait. Now share that across all communication types. Get the picture? Thank you for joining.